
Vetted Interim™

Vetted Solutions has long believed in the importance of Interim Leadership as a valuable option for building and developing high-performing organizations. That’s why we launched Vetted Interim™ in 2018 – to help associations and other nonprofit organization quickly identify mission critical talent during periods of leadership transition.  We’ve cultivated access to highly experienced people capable of stepping in and actually leading, not just marking time

We see effective interim executives as more than placeholders. The right leader will manage organizational expectations, reinforce stakeholder relationships, support the board of directors, and position the next leader for success. Vetted Solutions has helped numerous organizations identify and recruit exactly this kind of leader.

Interim leadership

Interim leadership may be the right solution for any leadership role – CEO, MarCom, Government Relations, Member Services, Events, or any of the leadership roles critical to an individual association or other purpose-driven organization. Vetted Interim™ has led the way in recruiting leaders who can have an immediate impact.  We’ve learned what makes for the ideal leadership for each client’s unique situation and needs, and how an interim leader can contribute to reaching short and long-term goals.

Given the importance of getting Interim Leadership right, we partnered with the ASAE Research Foundation to produce a groundbreaking research study, The Role of the Interim CEO: Key Insights of Association Executive Transitions. Using in-depth case studies, this report explains the multifaceted role of interim executives, the attributes that successful interims share, and other keys to success. 

Recent Interim Leadership Placements

The Board for Global EHS Credentialing

The Board for Global EHS Credentialing has named Vetted’s own Michele Warholic as Interim Executive Director.  Michele was selected in part for her strong association management leadership as well as her extensive background with certification programs.

The Board for Global EHS Credentialing Logo
Michele Warholic

The Southern California
Contractors Association

The Southern California Contractors Association (SCCA) announced John Koehr as SCCA’s Interim Executive Director.  An experienced C-level executive, Koehr has worked for various associations throughout his career including serving as the Executive Director of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and a variety of roles at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.  SCCA worked with Vetted Solutions, the leading specialist in providing interim leadership solutions in the association and nonprofit sector, on this search. 

Koehr will act as Interim Executive Director for SCCA until a permanent Executive Director has been determined.

The Solid Waste Association
of North America

The Solid Waste Association of North America (@SWANA) has selected Richard Yep, CAE, FASAE as the organization’s Interim Executive Director. We’re proud to have supported SWANA’s Board of Directors in this interim placement, and of our colleague Rich as he helps to guide SWANA through this transitional period. You can read the full announcement on SWANA’s website

The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors

The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) has announced that our very own Vice President, Leslie M. Stokes, has begun her role as NAPFA’s Interim CEO. She will serve in this role until a new CEO has been determined.

Please click here to view the Full Press Release Announcement.

The American Academy of Pain Medicine

Vetted Solutions is pleased that The American Academy of Pain Medicine has selected Sharon Kneebone, FASAE, CAE as the Interim Executive Director of the organization. We are pleased to help AAPM find the interim talent to advance their organization.

Read more in a new Vetted Solutions article here.

The American Academy of Pain Medicine logo
Sharon Kneebone