Thought leadership
Our news & insights
Beyond working as a trusted thought-partner with our clients, we actively engage with industry associations and leading nonprofit organizations to share our insights and perspectives. Investing in research on market trends and issues is one of the ways we give back to the communities we serve.

Healing and Building
Listening deeply to understand what the board is saying and why is a critical capacity of successful interim CEOs. At the Solid Waste Association of North America, Richard Yep, FASAE, CAE, translated his quick assessment into the introduction of several leading association management practices—all the while building trust with board and staff.

Transition Time
Stabilizing priority programs while managing the employment, operational, and other issues that came with an association management transition were critical focuses for interim CEO Michele Warholic. Her advice for interim assignments: Stay focused on three or so top priorities. Backburner the others.

Changing the Management Model
Fast assessment goes well beyond evaluating programs, finances, and systems. An interim CEO is well positioned to identify and facilitate impactful changes to the management model—in this case, to an association management company.

Shepherding Positive Change
Leading association transition: Instilling effective management practices, creating financial transparency, and driving revenue were the top board asks of an interim CEO, Sharon Kneebone. She delivered—in spades.

Shawn Townsend named RAMW’s new President and CEO
Shawn Townsend named RAMW’s new President & CEO

ASCPT Announces New CEO Abigail W. Gorman
The American Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (ASCPT) announced on December 21st the appointment of Abigail W. Gorman, MBA, as its Chief Executive Officer.

Helping Organizations Achieve Diversity Goals
We are thrilled and honored to have our focus on DE&I be recognized by @HuntScanlon in their ‘HR/DE&I Power 65’ rankings

NAPFA Announces Interim CEO Leslie M. Stokes
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) has announced that our very own Vice President, Leslie M. Stokes, has begun her role as NAPFA’s Interim CEO.

Recruiting Top Talent Article published by ASAE
ASAE published an article by Jim Zaniello, FASAE entitled “Recruiting Top Talent to Associations Requires a New View on Hiring”

Transforming an organization
Transformation is a revolution. It takes time. It requires a visionary leader, or better, a group of visionaries, to spearhead the change and sustain each other.

We Are All A Part of the Solution
If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem.
To many people, that simple statement once may have been a throw-away line – a glib cliché for the socially conscious.

Diversity and Inclusion: Opportunities to advance
We are excited to share this report on diversity and inclusion in Florida associations and want to thank all of our members that participated in the survey