Current Searches
CEO positions
Asphalt Institute (AI)
The Asphalt Institute (AI) is seeking a dynamic and innovative new President to replace a highly successful incumbent who is retiring at the end of the year. The next President will ensure that AI continues to deliver a strong value proposition as well as excellent programs and services. This individual will also identify new opportunities for AI to impact and advance the industry. Leading a talented staff, the next President will ensure the organization’s technical excellence as well as the success of its training programs.
The Asphalt Institute (AI), located in Lexington KY, is a North American trade association (with International Members) of petroleum asphalt producers, manufacturers and affiliated businesses. Founded more than 100 years ago, AI is the epicenter for the petroleum asphalt binder industry fostering a collaborative environment to ensure asphalt is recognized as the construction material of choice. Through education, engineering, technical development, environmental stewardship and marketing leadership, the Asphalt Institute promotes the safe use, benefits, and quality performance of liquid asphalt with a unified voice for our membership. The association has an almost $9 million budget and 37 staff who primarily work out of its headquarters in Lexington, KY.
The ideal candidate will have the ability to provide leadership for the technical staff and programs of the organization; champions the petroleum asphalt binder industry; and develops resources, programs, and events to inform and assist the industry in dealing with today’s most pressing issues.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to:, via or call +1.202.544.4749.
Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington (AOBA)
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington (AOBA) is the leading membership organization representing commercial office building and multifamily rental housing real estate in the Washington, D.C. Area. AOBA is seeking an innovative new President & CEO to lead this dynamic and complex organization.
The new President CEO will be replacing a long standing and highly successful CEO who will be retiring in Q1 2025. Building on a strong financial and operational foundation, AOBA desires a President & CEO who has the vision and passion to lead the organization into the future. This new leader will be a politically savvy, proactive, and charismatic professional who can navigate the shifting dynamics in the local commercial and multifamily real estate industry while enhancing the performance of and assuring the integrity of the organization.
The candidate should possess a passion for the commercial and multifamily real estate industry and demonstrate outstanding leadership skills, an ongoing commitment to organizational excellence, an ability to innovate, and a propensity to drive revenue.
The Association is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has an operating budget of approximately $4.4 million, with a current staff of 15, in support of the Association's owners and managers of 440,000 apartment homes and 176 million square feet of office space in the Washington Metropolitan area, as well as 180 supplier companies that provide products and services to owner/manager members.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to:, via or call +1.202.544.4749.
Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC)
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC) is the voice of excellence for the executive search and leadership consulting profession worldwide. AESC’s members range from regional and boutique executive search firms to large global executive search and leadership consultancies and networks. Its structure is designed to efficiently deliver services and support across three key regions: the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe/Middle East/Africa. AESC is seeking a new President and CEO.
AESC’s next President and CEO will build and engage a diverse global community of executive search and leadership advisory professionals whose perspectives, relationships, and intellect shape leadership worldwide. The President and CEO will foster innovation and entrepreneurship to deliver value that compels membership in the AESC community. This inspirational leader will possess strong experience in developing partnerships, driving revenue, and employing technology as key delivery mechanisms for services.
The ideal candidate will have a successful experience in leading organization-wide transformation driving increased value for constituents, and revenue for the organization as well as global perspective, including a mindset shaped in part by experience working or living in more than one country or region.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, or to recommend someone to serve as AESC’s next President and CEO, please contact James Zaniello, FASAE, via or call +1.202.544.4749.
National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA National)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
PIA National, which represents professional independent insurance agents and the agency distribution system, is seeking a CEO for this 14-staff, $1.7 million budget organization with a strong network of state affiliates. PIA National headquarters are in Alexandria, Virginia.
The next CEO will partner with the Board and staff to transform the organization, ensure strong relationships with affiliates, drive revenue and advance awareness of the profession.
Successful candidates will possess association management experience, a track record of growing revenue streams, and an inspirational leadership style. Insurance industry knowledge is a plus.
Anticipated interviews in August.
Search being conducted by Jim Dinegar and Jim Zaniello at Vetted Solutions. Interested candidates should call +1.202.544.4749 or email
Flexible Packaging Association (FPA)
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is the U.S association of the manufacturers of flexible industry packaging and material and equipment suppliers to the industry. Flexible packaging is produced from paper, plastic, film, aluminum foil, or any combination of those materials and includes bags, pouches, labels, liners, wraps, roll stock, and other flexible products. The FPA is seeking its next President & CEO.
The President & CEO will provide leadership, vision, and guidance to assist the FPA Board of Directors in development of strategy to advance and grow the industry as well as serve as “the eyes and ears” for the industry, staying on top of trends, challenges, and opportunities, and developing programs to inform and assist members in dealing with emerging issues in a proactive way.
The ideal candidate will have a high-level understanding of “advocacy” within a variety of audiences, such as state and local legislators and regulators, and customers and NGOs and strong communication and public speaking skills, including the ability to persuade, to build excitement, and to clearly advance the value and strength of an organization to its various stakeholders.
The association is headquartered in Annapolis, MD and has an operating budget of approximately $4.5 million, a staff of eight, and over 200 corporate members.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to:, via or call +1.202.544.4749.
Virginia Peninsula Foodbank (VPFB)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Virginia Peninsula Foodbank (VPFB) is the leading hunger relief organization across the greater Peninsula (Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson and Williamsburg and the counties of Gloucester, James City, Matthews, Surry and York) serving the 1 in 8 Virginians who experience the daily hardships of food and nutrition insecurity. Food banks provide healthy food to individuals, children, families, seniors and veterans who otherwise might go without. VPFB is a partner foodbank of Feeding America and plays an active role in meeting community needs to help those whose food insecurity has been magnified and who are facing the fears and pains of hunger. FPVB is seeking a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The CEO of the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank will inherit a strong organization that makes a significant contribution to the community it serves. The CEO partners with the Board and staff to continue to raise the visibility of the organization, increases funding so that VPFB continues to grow and increase its impact, works closely with partner agencies, and ensures that VPFB’s programs meet the needs of the community. Managing a team of 34 full-time and 4 part-time staff, the CEO will oversee a budget of $5 million.
The successful candidate will have a minimum of 10 years of progressive leadership experience in corporate or nonprofit management and/or community service; experience with foodbanks a plus and Significant experience growing an organization’s resources and impact.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
ANA Enterprise (ANA)
Enterprise Interim CEO
The ANA Enterprise is the family of companies comprised of the American Nurses Association (ANA), the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), and the American Nurses Foundation. ANA is the parent organization to the American Academy of Nursing as well as the ANA Service Corporation, a currently inactive for-profit entity. ANA is a Federated organization with over 50 Constituent and State Nurses Associations (C/SNA’s) where ANA members are joint members in their state nurses’ association.
This is an exciting time for the field of nursing and a critical time for ANA Enterprise to increase its impact on behalf of the profession. The Interim CEO will work closely with the Board and staff to transform the organization and its approach to delivering value to the nursing profession. ANA Enterprise is a $100 million organization with 300 staff serving 169,000 members. This position also works closely with ANA’s Constituent and State Nurses Associations (C/SNAs) to ensure their success.
The ideal candidate for Interim CEO would be an executive who possesses a special blend of inspirational leadership, high emotional intelligence, a track record of transforming organizations and an ability to ensure that the tough conversations occur. A strategic orientation, an ability to navigate a complex operating structure, and a results orientation will help ensure success. Ultimately the Interim CEO will develop a roadmap that allows a new CEO to have the data needed to be highly successful.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to Jim Zaniello at or call +1 202 544 4749.
Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Society for Marketing Professional Services® (SMPS), a diverse group of marketing and business development professionals transforming the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (A/E/C) industries through marketing leadership, seeks a visionary Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to lead the Society and the SMPS Foundation.
The SMPS CEO position offers a unique opportunity for a strategic leader at a time when the A/E/C industry is evolving, and there is an increasing demand for marketing talent to support the industry. The CEO will position the Society for growth and increase the visibility and recognition of the marketing profession within A/E/C firms. SMPS seeks a candidate with experience in a senior management position in either the association industry or in marketing/business development. Familiarity with the A/E/C industry and previous non-profit management experience preferred. Demonstrated experience partnering with a Board of Directors to advance the mission, vision, and strategy of an organization; facilitating growth; and developing collaborative relationships within an industry required.
The position is based in Alexandria, VA. The incumbent must reside or relocate within commuting distance of the DC Metro area. The position will require 15 to 20 percent travel.
Click here to view the full position profile
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The Virginia Association of Community Banks (VACB)
President and Chief Executive Officer(CEO)
The Virginia Association of Community Banks (VACB), a state association representing community banks in Virginia, seeks an innovative President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to lead the organization.
VACB’s next CEO will serve as a partner to the Board of Directors, providing both the strategic mindset and managerial expertise needed to meet the expanding needs and expectations of members. VACB promotes independent community banking through undiluted advocacy, targeted education, and quality collaboration for its 57 member banks and 64 affiliated companies. The CEO will oversee operational activities, support, and empower a staff of 2, and manage/grow the current budget of $700,000.
As the face of VACB and as its chief lobbyist, the CEO will be expected to have the dynamism, confidence and presence needed to maintain close relationships with important allies and stakeholders, and advocate effectively on behalf of VACB. VACB is headquartered in Richmond, VA.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association (POMA)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association (POMA), one of the largest and most prestigious state osteopathic medical associations with approximately 7,000 members, eight staff, and an annual operating budget of $2 million is seeking a new Chief Executive Officer upon the retirement of its current Chief Staff Executive in June 2024.
POMA has partnered with Vetted Solutions, an executive search firm, to help them find a new CEO to lead the 501(c)(6) membership organization and also serve as the Executive Director for POMA’s 501(c)(3) Foundation.
The new CEO will join an organization with a strong staff, an engaged Board of Directors, a desirable headquarters, and a healthy reserve. This is an outstanding opportunity for a strong and experienced organization leader to continue to build the brand of a vibrant organization and focus efforts on increased member engagement and satisfaction.
This is an exceptional time for the osteopathic medical profession to build greater awareness and engagement as Americans take a renewed interest in building and supporting health through proactive, preventative, and holistic care, which is a philosophy of osteopathic medicine that we endorse and practice.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
Board positions
American Peanut Shellers Association (APSA)
Executive Director (ED)
The American Peanut Shellers Association (APSA) is a non-profit trade association, composed of national commercial peanut shellers. APSA’s primary purpose is to promote the common interests of those engaged in the peanut shelling industry. The organization provides a unified base and forum for members, working collaboratively to advance the industry domestically and internationally. APSA is seeking a new Executive Director (ED).
The ED position offers a special opportunity to lead a proven, highly committed membership and staff in an aggressive effort to promote the best interests of shellers and the broader peanut industry. The ED manages an annual budget of almost $4 million and oversees a highly experienced and dedicated staff of six operating from its headquarters in Albany, Georgia.
The APSA ED historically has resided in the Albany and southwestern Georgia area, but the Board and Search Committee are open to discussing alternative approaches, provided they assure the superior performance level expected of the position.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
Health Research Alliance (HRA)
Executive Director (ED)
The Health Research Alliance (HRA), a collaborative member organization of nonprofit research funders committed to maximizing the impact of biomedical research to improve human health, seeks an innovative Executive Director (ED) to lead the organization.
HRA’s next Executive Director will serve as a partner to the Board of Directors, providing both the strategic mindset and managerial expertise needed to meet the expanding needs and expectations of member organizations. The ED will oversee operational activities, support and empower staff, consultants, and volunteers, and manage a budget of approximately $1,000,000. The ED serves as the face and voice of HRA and is responsible for the vision and strategic direction of the organization. The ED bears ultimate responsibility for all activities of the organization including meeting its legal and ethical responsibilities and advancing its mission.
HRA is looking for remote ED, preferably based in Washington, DC, New York City or the Northeast Corridor. This position will require approximately 5-10% travel nationally on behalf of HRA.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF)
Executive Director (ED)
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF), founded in 1979, is one of the nation’s preeminent civil rights law and policy centers. Directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities, DREDF’s mission is to advance the civil and human rights of people with disabilities through training, education, litigation and other legal advocacy, public policy, and legislation. DREDF is seeking its next Executive Director (ED).
DREDF seeks a candidate with a minimum of 10 years of progressive leadership and management experience within the disability rights movement or a demonstrated ties to the disability rights movement and 10 years of leadership and management experience within a progressive movement aligned with disability rights; demonstrated experience partnering with a Board of Directors to advance the mission, vision, and strategy of an organization; demonstrated experience successfully facilitating growth within an organization; and a track record of success in developing and maintaining community partnerships.
This position is based in Berkeley, California with telecommuting one or two days a week a possibility. The incumbent must reside or relocate within commuting distance to the Bay Area.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
DREDF and Vetted Solutions are committed to providing access and reasonable accommodation to candidates interested in applying for the position. To request an accommodation please contact Ari Benjamin at +1.703.220.7242 or
The Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT)
Executive Director (ED)
The Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) is a nonprofit certification organization that promotes excellence in the music therapy (MT) profession by granting board certification based on proven, up-to-date knowledge and competence in clinical practice. CBMT is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization that has a budget of nearly $2M that allocates resources for four full-time equivalent (FTE) staff. CBMT is seeking a new Executive Director (ED) to replace the long-serving and beloved current Executive Director, who is retiring.
CBMT has a strong history of growing the number of individuals certified and renewals annually. The organization shares a commitment with music therapy professionals that the profession’s services enhance users’ lives through evidence-based therapeutic practice, and that all service-users deserve safe, high-quality music therapy services. MT professionals practice in all settings, including, but not limited to, community mental health centers, schools, special education programs, aging and hospice programs, and private practices.
CBMT is based in Downingtown, PA (Philadelphia Metro Area), and applicants are expected to reside within 100 miles of the office. The Board expects the ED to work a hybrid schedule with minimal travel requirements.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
Executive Director (ED)
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is the largest organization exclusively representing school psychologists, graduate educators, researchers, and students of school psychology. NASP, a 501(c)(6) organization, seeks a new Executive Director upon the retirement of its current chief staff executive in June 2024. The Executive Director will be located in the NASP headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland.
The individual selected to serve as the next NASP Executive Director will join a diverse organization with a committed group of volunteers, talented and committed staff, an engaged Board of Directors, and a membership that represents a large percentage of all school psychologists in the United States.
This is an outstanding opportunity for a strong and experienced organization leader who understands the importance of a strong board-staff relationship. The successful candidate will know how to get the most out of a staff by providing support, guidance, and professional development opportunities.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
Senior Staff
Naval Academy Sailing Foundation (NASF)
Director of Advancement
The Naval Academy Sailing Foundation (NASF), based at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, plays a vital role in the development of midshipmen by teaching them the art and science of sailing. Sailing at the Academy is not just about mastering the seas; it is a rigorous training ground for leadership, preparing the future officers of the Navy and Marine Corps. NASF is seeking a transformational leader to serve as the Foundation’s first Director of Advancement.
The Director of Advancement is responsible for spearheading all fundraising efforts for the Naval Academy Sailing Foundation. This includes developing and executing a comprehensive strategy to diversify the Foundation's revenue streams through corporate partnerships, foundation support, planned giving, and individual contributions. Although this is a newly created position, the Naval Academy Sailing Foundation boasts a proud history of over 50 years, during which it has secured significant leadership contributions and in-kind gifts.
The ideal candidate will have at least 7 to 10 years of successful experience in major gift fundraising, preferably in a major cultural or military institution, non-profit organization, or educational institution.
The position is currently hybrid. It is based on the campus of the US Naval Academy and requires occasional national travel, as well as a presence monthly, and as needed, at the Academy.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
CFP Board
Managing Director, Program Development
CFP Board is the professional body for personal financial planners in the U.S. CFP Board consists of two affiliated organizations focused on advancing the financial planning profession for the public’s benefit. CFP Board of Standards (501 (c)(6)) sets and upholds standards for financial planning and administers the prestigious CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM certification — widely recognized by the public, advisors and firms as the standard for financial planners so that the public has access to the benefits of competent and ethical financial planning.
CFP® certification is held by nearly 100,000 people in the U.S. CFP Board Center for Financial Planning (501(c)(3)) addresses diversity and workforce development challenges and conducts and publishes research that adds to the financial planning profession’s body of knowledge. The CFP Board is seeking a Managing Director of Program Development (MD, PD).
The Managing Director of Program Development will lead the innovation, development and delivery of programs, products and services that advance the financial planning profession for the benefit of the public.
The successful candidate will have a minimum of 10 years of experience in program development, learning and development, or organizational development; project management experience a plus and have demonstrated experience in creating new programs and reinvigorating existing programs deemed valuable by stakeholders and sponsors.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749. 4749.
American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA)
Vice President, Human Resources
The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) is the leading voice representing every segment of the hotel industry including major chains, independent hotels, management companies, REITs, bed and breakfasts, industry partners. AHLA is seeking is next Vice President, Human Resources.
The VP of Human Resources is a key member of the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) Senior Leadership Team who serves as a strategic, innovative, proactive, and best-practice driven thought leader on all human resources-related initiatives including recruiting and retention, onboarding, performance management, learning and development, internal career pathing, employee relations and compensation strategy.
The ideal candidate will have ten (10) years of senior-level HR experience gained through increasingly responsible management positions within Human Resources and Organizational Development with proven success building, leading, and developing an agile workforce that responds quickly and effectively to changing business situations and demands.
This role is located in Washington DC, with a hybrid office schedule.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
Vice President of Marketing & Communications
BICSI is a global professional association with the mission to advance the information and communication technology (ICT) profession. Our vision is to be the preeminent resource for the connected world with focused values in integrity, service, and excellence.
The Vice President of Marketing & Communications leads our organization's efforts to strengthen our global brand, enhance our communications, and drive engagement across all our platforms. As a senior leadership role, the VP is responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive marketing, communications, and public relations strategies that enhance the organization's image and position within the global marketplace. The VP must be a dynamic, innovative leader with a proven track record in managing teams, developing marketing strategies, and executing successful communications campaigns. The VP holds a pivotal role in harnessing their exceptional people and leadership abilities to optimize team performance, fostering a highly collaborative environment where integrity, service, and excellence are not just encouraged but embodied in every aspect of our work.
This position is based in Tampa, Florida with telecommuting one or two days a week as a possibility. The incumbent must reside or relocate within commuting distance to the Tampa area.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)
Director of Professional Development & Education
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) is a tight-knit community of Fee-Only, Fiduciary Financial Planners who are committed to their clients’ best interests ahead of their own. With a nearly 40-year history, members who hold the prestigious title, NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisors, are dedicated to comprehensive personal financial planning, maintaining the highest competency levels, and a client-centered focus. NAPFA is seeking a Director of Professional Development & Education to join their leadership team.
The Director of Professional Development & Education will be responsible for strategizing, developing, and executing the professional development and educational programs of the organization. Takes the lead in guiding the professional development and education staff team and collaborates with other service areas within the organization on both strategic and tactical levels.
The Director should have 5 to 7 years+ progressive experience developing adult education. Experience developing learning products for financial professionals and/or association experience preferred and proven experience in successfully leading and managing professional development and educational programs.
The position is based in Chicago, IL. The position will require up to 20 percent travel.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)
Senior Director of Policy and Government Relations
GHSA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit representing the state and territorial highway safety offices that implement federal grant programs to address behavioral highway safety issues. GHSA is seeking a Senior Director of Policy and Government Relations.
The Senior Director of Policy and Government Relations is responsible for federal advocacy activities in support of GHSA’s policy objectives while working with the GHSA CEO on the management of a range of highway safety initiatives. The position works closely with agencies in the executive branch, U.S. Congress, and its State members to represent GHSA positions, advance GHSA objectives and support member programs. This position also supports some GHSA programs, projects and member services, and represents the association in a variety of external capacities.
The Senior Director ideally would have 10 years of experience in public policy, federal or regulatory government relations and experience with highway safety, transportation or public safety.
GHSA’s hybrid work environment has staff in the office three (3) days a week. GHSA offices are located in Washington DC.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The International Sign Association (ISA)
Vice President Trade Show & Events
The International Sign Association (ISA), recognized by the Council of Manufacturing Associations as a “Best Place to Work”, is a leading association for the sign, graphics and visual communications industry is seeking a Vice President, Trade Show & Events.
The VP will serve as leader of all International Sign Association (ISA) and Sign Research Foundation (SRF) events and meetings, including their tradeshow (250,000 n.s.f., 500 to 600 exhibitors and 20,000 attendees) and conference, ISA International Sign Expo. The successful candidate will have 10+ years of trade show experience, a collaborative leadership style, and an innovative and entrepreneurial approach in planning an annual trade show and events.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA)
Vice President, Communications, Marketing and Media Relations
The International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA), the worldwide association for the owners and operators of toll facilities and the businesses that serve them, seeks a new Vice President, Communications, Marketing and Media Relations (VP CMMR) to provide innovative leadership and dynamic direction of communications, public relations and content-marketing services to advance IBTTA’s mission, strategic goals, and priorities.
The VP will advance awareness of IBTTA and the tolling industry by advancing integrated marketing, communications and media relations strategies to increase outreach and engagement among IBTTA members, stakeholders, and the media. The VP will lead communications efforts designed to support IBTTA’s public policy agenda. The VP will serve as IBTTA’s chief industry storyteller, sharing the story of this essential industry that drives mobility around the world.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA)
Vice President Finance & Administration
The International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA), the worldwide association for the owners and operators of toll facilities and the businesses that serve them, seeks a Vice President Finance & Administration (VP, F&A) to oversee the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association's (IBTTA) financial and administrative functions.
The VP ensures integrity, transparency, and accountability in IBTTA operations, develops the financial and accounting programs and procedures, safeguards the IBTTA's financial and non-financial resources, and ensures establishment and maintenance of adequate systems of internal controls and adherence to financial policies. The VP will oversee the data products strategy, ensuring new product pipelines for IBTTA.
The VP directs and manages finances, operations and data products to support IBTTA's short- and long-term strategic goals. The VP oversees an operating budget of approximately $7 million annually.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA)
Meeting Content Producer
The International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA), the worldwide association for the owners and operators of toll facilities and the businesses that serve them, seeks a Meeting Content Producer (MCP) to join their Communications and Marketing team. The MCP will serve as a project manager for all in-person meetings, driving education programs and content development. The MCP reports to the Vice President, Communications, Marketing, and Media Relations.
The MCP works in close collaboration with the staff and members of IBTTA, and especially the Executive Director and CEO, Deputy Executive Director, Vice President, Communications, Marketing and Media Relations, the Director of Meetings and the Director of Meeting Production.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
National PTA
Director of Resource Development
The National PTA is seeking a new Director of Resource Development. It is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America. Today’s PTA is comprised of more than 4 million parents, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents and other caring adults who share a commitment to improving the education, health, and safety of all children.
The Director of Resource Development leads the Resource Development Team and implements National PTA’s highly successful fundraising and corporate partnership strategy, securing approximately $5 million annually by building off National PTA’s brand strength/reach to improve service offerings to parents, children, and local PTAs, and to advance our mission to ensure the academic success and well-being of all children. The RD team secures revenue from corporate, foundation, government, and individual donors and collaborates with other departments to align resource development and programming priorities. This position reports to the Deputy Director of Strategic Initiatives.
The position is currently hybrid, two days per week in the office. The position is located in the National PTA headquarters in Alexandria, VA and requires occasional travel.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
CFP Board
Chief Program Officer
CFP Board is the professional body for personal financial planners in the U.S. CFP Board consists of two affiliated organizations focused on advancing the financial planning profession for the public’s benefit. CFP Board of Standards sets and upholds standards for financial planning and administers the prestigious CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM certification — widely recognized by the public, advisors and firms as the standard for financial planners — so that the public has access to the benefits of competent and ethical financial planning. CFP® certification is held by nearly 100,000 people in the U.S. CFP Board Center for Financial Planning addresses diversity and workforce development challenges and conducts and publishes research that adds to the financial planning profession’s body of knowledge.
The Chief Program Officer of the CFP Board is a senior-level executive and thought leader responsible for programs, including financial planner workforce development initiatives, profession’s diversity, research, corporate relations and development work that supports the sustainability of the financial planning profession. This role ensures that the CFP Board’s programmatic work is directed toward the most critical issues impacting the financial planning profession and aligned with the organization’s mission, values and strategic plan.
The successful individual will inspire and motivate a talented team of 22 and will contribute to an organizational culture of collaboration, communication and impact. The Managing Director Workforce, Managing Director Program Development, Managing Director Research, and the Managing Director Corporate Relations will report to this position. The Chief Program Officer will report to the Chief Executive Officer of the CFP Board. Key programmatic areas include Workforce Initiatives, Diversity & Inclusion, Research, Academic Initiatives, Pro Bono, Conferences and the Financial Planning Review.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is a nonprofit organization committed to supporting the work of state and territorial public health officials and furthering the development and excellence of public health policy nationwide is seeking a new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to be located in Arlington VA.
ASTHO's membership is comprised of 59 chief health officials from each of the 50 states, Washington, D.C., five U.S. territories, and three Freely Associated States. ASTHO also supports peer communities of state and territorial health leaders and senior executives in health departments who work with the over 100,000 public health professionals employed at state and territorial public health agencies. It also manages a significant amount of grant funded work.
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a member of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), responsible for providing strong leadership, management, and vision to ensure efficient and effective financial systems for the organization. This individual will lead the fiscal operations of ASTHO including finance, federal and private grants, contracts, and provides strategic management of the accounting and finance functions. This position requires extensive knowledge and experience in federal grants administration and federal grants compliance, as ASTHO receives a majority of its revenue through federal funding, primarily HHS, CDC and HRSA.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Executive Vice President, Science
The American Geophysical Union (AGU), a global community supporting more than half a million advocates and professionals in the Earth and space sciences, is seeking a new Executive Vice President, Science (EVP). This is an outstanding opportunity for a collaborative, innovative and engaging scientific leader to guide and advance the scientific mission and goals of this highly-regarded organization. Reporting to the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer, and in collaboration with other key senior leaders, the EVP directs and integrates efforts across AGU’s science-related departments and initiatives, including publications, meetings, learning, and open science. In partnership with volunteer leaders, the EVP will foster, coordinate, and manage scientific efforts that support and empower its members in the pursuit of discovery and solutions science.
The EVP serves as the lead science contact for the AGU Council which is responsible for developing the scientific policy of the Union. The EVP will advance key priorities for the Union including advancing collaboration and alignment across scientific programs and teams; collaboratively developing innovative and relevant learning programs; identifying, leading, developing, and diversifying revenue opportunities that support the highest quality science; and maintaining and enhancing the prestige and impact of the Union’s scholarly publications. Additionally, the EVP will serve as a scientific spokesperson for AGU, and will embody deep scientific knowledge and passion, advancing AGU’s value to its members, and helping fulfill AGU’s mission to support and inspire the global community in advancing discovery in Earth and space sciences.
The successful candidate will have extensive experience in Earth and space sciences, or a related field; will have experience with scholarly publications, including open access; will have a history of success in revenue generation and monetization of content; and will be an effective spokesperson, capable of representing and promoting a global scientific society. A Ph.D. in Earth and space sciences or a related discipline, or an equivalent combination of education and work experience, is required.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The Elizabeth Dole Foundation (EDF)
Chief Operating Officer
The Elizabeth Dole Foundation is the nation's preeminent organization empowering, supporting, and honoring America’s 5.5 million military caregivers; the spouses, parents, family members, and friends who care for our nation’s wounded, ill, or injured veterans. The foundation is seeking its next Chief Operating Officer (COO).
The Chief Operating Officer (COO) will report to the Foundation’s CEO. The COO will oversee the operations of and implement the enterprise-wide strategy for the Foundation’s core areas of business, including Finance & Administration, Marketing & Communications, Development & Fundraising, Programmatic Initiatives, Special Events, Human Resources, and Information Technology. The COO will collaborate with the CEO, the Board, and c-suite leadership to ensure effective and efficient day-to-day operations and lead organizational capacity-building efforts, transformation initiatives, and change management.
This position is based in Washington DC and the COO will have a visible presence across the organization. EDF supports a hybrid and caregiver/military friendly work environment; in-person time in the office is required. And the COO will be expected to be present at events on weeknights and on weekends, as necessary. Some travel may be required as well.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA)
Chief Operating Officer
The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA), founded in 1993, defines, teaches, and promotes best practices and industry standards that bring building projects from design to delivery. DBIA is a recognized authority on Design-Build Done Right®. Its members collaborate and innovate to deliver some of America’s most successful projects. DBIA has embarked on an exciting growth trajectory based on an extensive brand positioning that is changing how it approaches many aspects of its partnership with the AEC industry.
As a 501(c)6 organization based in Washington, D.C., DBIA has over 6,000 members comprised of architectural, engineering, and construction professionals, as well as academics, students, and project owners. DBIA’s mission is to promote the value of design-build project delivery and teach the effective integration of design and construction services to ensure success for owners and design and construction practitioners.
In this newly-created position, the COO will provide strategic leadership to support organizational growth and increased capacity. The role requires an approachable, collaborative, and communicative leader with experience in influencing and contributing to organization-wide decisions. The role will oversee several key functional areas, including membership, conferences and events, education, and certification. Working closely with the CEO, the role will develop annual operational plans to support the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals.
Successful candidates will have a minimum of 10 years of experience at the senior management level with experience as a strategic advisor to the C-Suite and member of the executive team. Experience in membership, conferences/events, education, and/or certification required. Knowledge of the built environment is a plus. A CAE is highly preferred.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
Director of Scientific Affairs
ASTRO is the premier radiation oncology society in the world, with more than 10,000 members who are physicians, nurses, biologists, physicists, radiation therapists, dosimetrists and other health care professionals who specialize in treating patients with radiation therapies. These medical professionals, found at hospitals, cancer treatment centers and academic research facilities around the globe, make up the radiation therapy treatment teams that are critical in the fight against cancer. Together, these teams treat more than one million cancer patients each year. As the leading organization in radiation oncology, the Society is dedicated to improving patient care through professional education and training, support for clinical practice and health policy standards, advancement of science and research and advocacy.
The Scientific Affairs Director works with Society’s volunteers, department directors, and Executive leadership to plan and implement Society activities related to the scientific priorities that support the Society’s mission and as directed by the Society’s leadership. The Director provides scientific, technical and policy expertise and serves as central resource for the Society. The Director also develops and implements the Society’s strategic scientific priorities across the radiation oncology research continuum. The Director closely collaborates with all ASTRO departments and serves as a primary scientific liaison to internal and external partners involved in performing and promoting biomedical research.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
Chief Financial & Information Officer
AABB: The Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB), an international, not-for-profit organization representing individuals and institutions involved in the fields of transfusion medicine and biotherapies, seeks a transformational Chief Financial & Information Officer (CFIO), reporting to the CEO. The CFIO will lead AABB’s financial and technology activities, from strategy development to day-to day management of these two critical and interconnected areas.
The CFIO is responsible for shaping the company's financial direction for stability and growth and driving a modern technology strategy and infrastructure to provide efficiency and high-quality products and service to members, customers and staff. The CFIO will develop and implement a road map and tactical implementation strategy for both short and long-range evolution. A key thought and business partner in the c-suite, Executive Team and beyond, the CFIO collaborates closely to facilitate organizational success and revenue growth. Their focus is on strong processes and team engagement to support strong decisions, actions and value creation across the organization and its stakeholders.
This individual will promote and implement financial and information technology excellence throughout the association. The CFIO is an accountable leader able to lead both strategically and tactically, and is proactive in identifying opportunities to improve systems and infrastructure. The CFIO understands how to best manage and utilize data, manage risk, and grow a high-performing, inclusive team including external vendors. The CFIO will help create value and efficiencies through the innovative use of technologies and engraining the use of effective data and project management as powerful amplifiers of success.
AABB is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland. AABB encourages its employees to do their work wherever they are best able to meet the needs of the organization and their role; the successful CFIO will be local, and able to meet on-site as needed.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to:
or call +1 202 544 4749.
Institute for Technology in Health Care Board Member Search
Executive Board Member
The Institute for Technology in Health Care (ITHC)is seeking a Board Member to serve this nonprofit organization with a mission to support projects designed to identify, investigate, and apply new existing technologies to the solution of health care problems. To that end, the Institute provides small grants that enable individuals and institutions to devise technologic applications that perform with more efficiency and greater accuracy.
The executive board member will be expected to serve as active ambassador for the organization, leverage professional and personal connections to benefit the organization’s visibility, and participate in one or more committees.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about the Institute’s mission and has extensive professional experience at the executive leadership level with accomplishments in business, government, philanthropy, or the nonprofit sector. The ITHC Board seeks individual with a commitment to and understanding of its mission and a natural affinity for cultivating relationships and building excitement and consensus among diverse individuals. Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a passion for using existing technologies as a solution to health care problems are required qualifications. Experience with cultural anthropology, clinical engineering and/or Central & South America would be pluses as would experience with law, finance, the medical arena, and grants giving.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to:
or call +1 202 544 4749.
The Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
Vice President, Talent and Human Resources
AABB: The Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB), an international, not-for-profit organization representing individuals and institutions involved in the fields of transfusion medicine and biotherapies, seeks a Vice President, Talent and Human Resources, reporting to the CEO. Though AABB is a remote first work environment, its office is located in Bethesda, MD. Candidates in the greater Washington DC area preferred.
The Vice President supports AABB through leading, developing and executing on the people functions of the organization, including fostering a strong organizational culture, workforce planning, talent and performance management, diversity and inclusion strategies, compensation and benefits, employee relations and engagement, learning and development, and policies and compliance. The Vice President is a strategic and accountable leader, effective communicator and relationship builder, and versatile manager of people and projects, experienced in managing change and its impact on people, policies, and systems.
As member of the Executive Team, the Vice President is a trusted advisor and business partner to the CEO and colleagues to advance AABB’s outcomes and foster a strong organizational culture, including developing and championing the strategy and objectives for DEIA initiatives. In concert with the Director, Talent and Human Resources, they oversee both the day-to-day and strategic aspects of the HR portfolio. The Vice President will also champion the development and maintenance of a workplace culture centered around the organization’s core values to foster a best in-class employee experience.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to:
or call +1 202 544 4749.
The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA)
Senior Executive Vice President, Chief of Member Engagement
The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) is the nation’s voice for community banks whose mission is “To Create and Promote an Environment Where Community Banks Flourish.” Founded in 1930 by a small group of community bankers in Minnesota, ICBA is dedicated exclusively to representing the interests of the community banking industry and our members through effective advocacy, best-in-class education, and innovative products and services.
ICBA is seeking an experienced community banker to join their Executive Management Team (EMT) in a newly created strategic leadership position. The SEVP, Chief of Member Engagement will work proactively with the Member Relations, State Relations, and Marketing and Communications teams to align, leverage, and continually enhance member delivery channels for all ICBA solutions. This leader will also assume oversight responsibility for the ongoing growth of member engagement and retention and ensure their members and state association affiliates consistently achieve value from ICBA’s work and initiatives.
This is an opportunity for a passionate and talented community banking executive to join a national association that prioritizes and promotes community banking initiatives in communities across America to materially impact and enhance the community banking industry and the small businesses, agricultural enterprises and consumers they serve.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to:
or call +1 202 544 4749.
The School Nutrition Association (SNA)
Vice President of Education & Conferences
The School Nutrition Association (SNA) is seeking their new Vice President (VP) of Education & Conferences who is responsible for increasing the value and relevance of SNA by advancing the association’s professional development offerings. Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the VP oversees the meetings team who manage logistics for all of SNA conferences, including the Annual National Conference (ANC) and trade show; three medium size meetings – School Nutrition Industry Conference (SNIC), Legislative Action Conference (LAC) and National Leadership Conference (NLC); and smaller meetings such as Board of Director meetings, Committee Days, Patron Meeting, and Industry Boot Camps. The VP supervises a staff of 8 including the Director, Meetings & Conferences, Director, Professional Development and Research Manager.
The VP will develop and implement strategies to grow SNA’s education and professional development offerings to benefit SNA members. The VP will work with SNA leadership and the CEO to develop business plans for SNA meetings and conferences to meet revenue goals and provide a positive experience for attendees. The VP is also responsible for overseeing the development of annual research plan and priorities based on need for research data needed for advocacy, member services and trends analysis.
The idea candidate will have ten plus years of relevant experience developing and delivering adult education programs. as well as experience developing, marketing and managing in-person, virtual and hybrid conferences and meetings. A CAE is strongly preferred.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The American Education Research Association (AERA)
Director of Meetings
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) seeks a Director of Meetings with the skills, experience, and expertise to bring innovative and dynamic vision, set strategic goals, and implement plans to advance the mission of AERA. The Director of Meetings is responsible for operational planning and execution of annual meetings, public events, convenings, and governance meetings throughout the year. A key member of the senior staff, the Director of Meetings leads a team of three professional staff. The Meetings Department works collaboratively and cross-functionally with AERA’s membership, communications, professional development, governance, publications, and information technology teams to accomplish the mission and goals of the Association, advance education research, build capacity, elevate the visibility and impact of the field, and serve the public good. This is an in-office position.
The ideal next Director of Meetings will bring innovative ideas, technological savvy, the ability to articulate and operationalize plans of action, and preside over complex events with multiple concurrent components with a proven track record of doing so, as well as be attentive to the financial needs of a major scholarly research association. The ideal candidate will show the commitment to fostering and providing a welcoming, inclusive, accessible, safe, and supportive environment for events.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)
Director of Human Resources
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons is seeking a dynamic, innovative, organized and strategic HR professional for its new HR Director position. This individual will be responsible for leading, developing and executing the HR strategies, policies, and programs that align with the Society’s goals and objectives including fostering a strong organizational culture. This hands-on leader is responsible for all HR functions, including recruitment, compensation and benefits, staff diversity and inclusion strategies, employee relations and engagement, performance management, learning and development, and HR policies and compliance. This is a key leadership position that requires strong interpersonal skills, excellent decision-making abilities, and deep understanding of HR best practices.
Click here to view the full position profile.
For confidential consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to: or call +1 202 544 4749.